No Shelf Control: The Books, Booze, and Banter Podcast

Episode 002 - Interview with Lindsey Pogue (Fading Shadows)

Lindsey Fairleigh & Lindsey Pogue Season 1 Episode 2

Lindsey Fairleigh interviews cohost Lindsey Pogue about her latest release, Fading Shadows (Savage North Chronicles, book 2.5), part of the bestselling Ending World.

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spk_0:   0:06
welcome to no shelf control podcast with books, booze and banter hosted by authors for readers. Because, let's face it, we're all forms of heart. In each episode, we chat with our favorite authors about their latest releases, current Reed's story, inspirations and all things bookish. I'm Lindsay fairly, and I'm Lindsay Pope. Grab a cocktail kickback and enjoy the show. Welcome, toothy Second official episode of No Shelf Control. Ah, this episode we are interviewing our very own author, Lindsay Pogue. So by we, I mean me because it's just another half half of the podcast. Um, so welcome, Lindsey to your own podcast. Thanks. We're gonna be talking to her about her latest release, which is called Fading Shadows, which is technically a novella. But it feels like an essential part of the series. So I'm just gonna say it's the next book in the series, which is the Savage North chronicles, Um, which is this spinoff? Siris are kind of editor of the council's a spinoff, but it's set in the same world as the ending Syria's, which Lindsay and I wrote together. Yep. But this series is purely hers alone. So

spk_1:   1:27
all from my sick mind eso Before we

spk_0:   1:33
get to that, though, What I want to know, Lindsay, is what are you drinking and what are you reading? Okay, um, so

spk_1:   1:42
last time I mentioned I was left to my own devices and that unfortunately, happened again, eh? So that it is We have a really big storm coming, and he's got ah, lot of stuff torn apart in the backyard. So he's been coming crazy doing that kind of stuff. So I I made myself, um, Jen drink this time and it we're just gonna call it an adult. Eliminated. I have fresh squeezed lemon juice, spot your cranberry, a little government actor for a little bit of sweetness and so base and obviously some Jen. So there you have it.

spk_0:   2:18
Sounds very refreshing again is. And

spk_1:   2:21
I was contemplating wine, but then I was like, make fun noises, so well,

spk_0:   2:29
I am much less exciting with my hot lemon water, which is, uh, due to, I don't know, an endless, endless string of colds that I apparently I'm never gonna get better from, So I just have to, like, suck it up and accept it. So I apologize if I sound a little nasal e or extra sexy, which I recover. Uh, I don't think it came off that way. I just feel like it's unusually so sometime. Um, but what are you reading? Um, so I'm

spk_1:   3:08
still working. So usually when I'm reading, I have an audio book. Ah, so but when I can't sit down and actually read, I can listen. So I'm still working on my book club book. It's called Someone Knows by Lisa Scotland opposing along, and I was actually I e mailed. It's one of those books where it's written in the book third person, but there's I don't know if there's 67 different points of view, which I don't necessary. Usually, I would say that's a lot for me, but at the same time, there's one character that I cannot stand, and so I'm just grateful, but I don't have to listen. E mailed the book club girls, and I was just like I said, I want to slap the shit out of Sasha, period. That's all I said. It's nothing to send that e mail because I was like, I can't look, but anyway, um, so I'm listening to that, and then I actually just ride my first Megan March. Uh, she's a romance author, and I have been following her for a long time, and she's really sweet, but I've never actually read anything that she's written. So I read my first book by her, and she's a really, really good writer. It's called Ruthless King. It's anti hero collection, so it's pretty stinging. So if you don't like Stevie, then it's definitely not the book for you. But I like the book for me. But I do have a great though, because, um, I don't actually, I don't actually read a lot of books that have, like, major cliffhangers. And not only is this specific Siris, the books are really short. They are real. They stop super abruptly. So I kind of feel like she wrote, like maybe a sort of long novel. And then she cut it into three pieces with, you know, and I mean, like, is that she's a great writer, So it's smart on her end, because I I wanted to read the next book, so I started it. But then at the same time, I felt kind of not about it at the same time, So just and I've decided I'm a person who doesn't like rough cliffhangers because it's pretty brutal. And, um, it just makes me upset, cause I know it's kind of a marketing ploy, you know? So, yeah, I like It's one thing. It's like a story like, you know, it continues, but it's kind of some sort of like a soft edge or like you know, but I feel like even after the ending, you know, way got a lot of flak for ending. But But at least, you know, also in Danny, you know, they meet up, and the whole point of the story is I'm getting together. And they did, and that happened. And it's not what It's not like we didn't get that resolution before.

spk_0:   5:40
Yeah, the story arc from the story at the beginning was completed. Yeah, we just started the story arc for the next book. A little early. Yeah.

spk_1:   5:48
So, um, I just This was just, like, super, like, randomly in the middle of the book and the really good part, but so yeah, so I'm just I'm deciding that I as a reader, I definitely don't like clawed fingers. So, uh, just something that I discovered. And but she's a really good writer, and I recommend her books. But it's not something that now when I go into reading in your books in the future, I'm gonna look at the length to because the price that you pay for a book that stop short that you know, I don't know if OK, Lindsay, I'm letting you go. There we go. All right. So moving on. What are you What are you listening to slash reading.

spk_0:   6:24
I am. So currently, I have two different times of my life that I could be reading. One is when I could be listening. And learning is when I could be reading with my eyeballs. Um, and so I usually have. I've been having two different things going at once. So I have been reading over the past week and 1/2 ish, um, midnight sun and fitting shadows with my eyeballs. And then I have this listening Thio Ah. Oh, God. I can't remember what it's called now, but the one that you told me to listen to you. Oh, is it the arcane The Chronicles? Yeah. What's the 1st 1 called? Uh, poison Princess plays inferences yet. See I can ever remember when it's an audio book. Um, because you don't like holding

spk_1:   7:12
that you're not looking at it. Are you enjoying

spk_0:   7:14
it at all? Yeah, I am. I think I'm about halfway through and I feel

spk_1:   7:19
like it's

spk_0:   7:19
a little bit of Ah, it was a little bit of a slow start. Um, with all the high school stuff, Um, but I feel like I'm it's I mean, I want to keep listening so and I don't know where it's going come super confused with Let's hav e

spk_1:   7:35
No, I remember thinking that, too, but it's like super necessary for everything that's gonna happen. So it all make sense soon. I'm excited for you to see what happens after.

spk_0:   7:43
Oh, I'm curious to see if there's gonna be the typical white love triangle. Um, I don't know e o. Um, And now that I am done with fading shadows, I will be starting the next throne of glass book, and I can't even remember what that was called. So But it's sitting on my nightstand now that

spk_1:   8:08
you mentioned you were reading that series. I've been seeing it everywhere.

spk_0:   8:11
Yeah, it's really thought you would. You would like it. Yeah. So there's some things like, you know, there's like, he can't help it as an author. When you read books, you think, Oh, I would have written it differently. But this is just some stylistic elements that air different from how I would do it. Not that they're bad. They're just different from my personal style. So, yeah, that stands out to me. So yeah, I get that, but I'm really excited to get back to the story. Um, so I definitely enjoyed my time in some shorts. Chronicles could. So yeah. Um, so now let's check in about, um, real quick before we move on. What are we working on? So what are you working on, LP? Um, what

spk_1:   9:00
am I working on? I had my giveaway last are my Yeah, it was a giveaway, but I had a really stake of wafer fading shadows, which was a lot of fun. You don't much like only giveaways. Um, and I always consumes a lot of my time. And so since then I have been hunkering down to get through. My untamed are my first draft read through and, you know, adding and all the you know I'm one of those people Where if I can't think of something, I don't let that slow me down. I just put in brackets something goes here or look with before, you know, they finish this sentence or whatever. So I've been going through and doing that, and I've already added Allstate 1000 words. I'm only halfway through, so I'm at 88,000 words. This definitely isn't gonna be, you know, no midnight sun like thing with long. I know, Um, but, uh, is probably gonna be around 100,000 words, which is It's still a long Yeah. So long book. So we'll see. Um, I saw him in exactly finished. I know how I want it to end, but there's a couple of other things I could do. So depending on what I decide, that's probably gonna add a lot more. Uh, you know, a couple 1000 more words, at least, if not more so to that, So we'll see how it goes. But, uh, yeah, it's a totally different feel of the book. So I'm just It's been really interesting to totally switch gears and be more adventurous and being a male perspectives breed and be like. Okay, well, I don't think he would be drooling on that like Sophie would, or you know what I mean. So it's been it's been fun, but it's just, like, kind of a mind shift. So yeah, that's me. How about you?

spk_0:   10:37
I am currently working on the next chapter of ah, World after without you and I were riding together. Um, yeah. Pretty excited about getting that one raft up. I think I personally have three chapters left. I think you have two chapters left.

spk_1:   10:56
My ass. That's it thing maybe e

spk_0:   11:00
I don't know. We'll have to talk about that, But if we need to add more, but yeah, I'm excited. I think I really like I just really like this story. It's aren't this world? Yeah, It's like little dystopian a little epic fantasy. I don't know. It's weird. Yeah, definitely. It was a woman. Yeah. We need to

spk_1:   11:19
figure out about how we're gonna actually announce all bad and let readers know what we're

spk_0:   11:25
actually doing me. Yeah, moving on. I'm I know, Right? Mur er and then I've been bummed because, uh, because of my endless string my l a string of cold I still haven't been able to finish recording all world online. Ah, because I want it to sound up a little bit higher quality than just like nasal East. Naughty me. So smelly time, that is. Yeah, exactly. I was really hoping that my I would be all cleared up so I could record at least by tomorrow for a fried for Friday. Um, so we'll see if some miracle happens when I wake up in the morning. So otherwise, it'll be another week. But when it happens,

spk_1:   12:10
Yeah, um, before we get jump in tow talking to me about books, stuff, um, I think we should just kind of checking about the whole pandemic thing and all that, you know, Just use. It seems we're not talk about it. Um, yeah, I know. You said you guys were obviously holed up in the house, and you're in the Seattle area. So you guys have a lot going on over there? Um,

spk_0:   12:35
I think we've been surpassed by New York now. Yes. Yeah. Um, yeah. Um, yeah, it's I mean, I think a lot of us were a little frustrated that we didn't get the order to stay home sooner, so that this would kind of kind of curb or flat on the cover. Whatever the term is, they're using a little bit earlier, so I feel like we just got the order. I think it was yesterday. Um or maybe Monday. I think it was yesterday. Um, but I don't know. I feel like we're still gonna take, like, three weeks to see exactly what the damage is from everyone still going out because people were just going out, like in congregating hikes and stuff. Not like I'm going out for a hike in isolation. Like I'm going out to a hike to a really popular lookout spot. And there's pictures, and they're so crowded, and it's like, Come on, people like it takes everybody doing it to make it work, you know? So, yeah, nowhere. Now we're on lock down. Sort of. You can still go to work for essential jobs. Yeah, but it doesn't. It actually doesn't really change much in my household. My husband is in construction, which is currently Sena's essential. Um, although that could change because he's not in, like, medical construction. Um, but obviously, I am an author, and I work from home. Um The only thing that's weird is I can't really go anywhere with my son. So especially cause, like, he will put the shopping cart handle in his mouth. Uh, not today, you know, happen. And this string of colds, So,

spk_1:   14:20
Yeah, we're, um We're in Northern California, and we have been unlocked on for I know, probably weak. Now, um, it's the same thing. No central businesses are open, and we live in a really small town. So, Dennis, I've been trying to be supportive and, um, yeah, I don't know. We've kind of ready for this. We We live in a state where we have power outages for days on end and earthquakes and wildfires. And, like, we have been ready for just whether it's food or generators are till the labor. Whatever s o toilet paper. Right. Right. Um, I haven't, so I haven't really felt like personally, I haven't felt a lot of difference. Although dentist is home, he works for the school district and their clothes through until May 1st at this point, So he's home. And so that's why he's been working like crazy and tearing out the broad on deck in the backyard and all the projects that we never have time to dio. And when I say we don't need him because I'm still working just like you, I'm still in my office. I'm still doing myself, but he's the one slaving away out there, but yeah, it's really weird. We've been trying to support local businesses during all this because of everything that's going on, and it's really even really hard to do that. So I'm just word from a little town. But other than that, um hey, we're okay. We're okay. I have family members that are in the hospitality industry, and they're they're completely unemployed now, so that's rough tow, watch on and stuff. So yeah, but it is what it is. I guess at this point just got a whole tighten, See how it goes. But hopefully all of our listeners and readers were doing okay and staying safe, and hopefully this will bring them a little brightness. Enjoy in all this craziness. So yeah, way that will make him laugh at least once or something. Who knows?

spk_0:   16:15
Yeah, I know, right? Um, it's it's kind of frustrating. Like I do feel like I'm frustrated with myself. I feel like I've been more distracted by this and wanting to see what else if there's any new news or anything, like I'm not normally a newsperson, Um, I feel like I'm checking the news a lot on my phone, Not like on the TV, um, and just technique like my local community page on Facebook a lot, which is eating up a lot of time when I could be reading or working or something.

spk_1:   16:46
You have noticed that you have been super distracted and I keep telling myself that I like it's just me, but I think that that's what it is to. I feel like they're just always like, Oh, I want to go and put something fun for my reader than that I get stuck on Facebook reading all this stuff and it just it makes me upset or it makes me anxious or like whatever it is. But then I get sucked in. I'm scrolling, scrolling, scrolling, Monsieur Part. It's a rough business, so yeah, I'm totally feeling on that. I'm definitely feeling distracted, too, so

spk_0:   17:15
yeah, but so hopefully that the novelty of it will the novelty of the novel virus. Hopefully it'll pass and we'll be able to just this will be the new normal. We'll just be ableto move on and focus. And you

spk_1:   17:31
have to tell you, I've gotten a lot of people that are asking, um you know, uh, this is what you've written in your books. Are you ready for? And I'm like, Hey, until I start getting a superpower, that's the only way there is a silver lining. Yeah, three. Only way I know how to cope.

spk_0:   17:48
I do think I think there's been a mean that's going. I mean, there's a 1,000,000 Corona virus means that are going around, but there's been, ah, specific zom pock mim that's been going around that it's Will Ferrell, I think, from stepbrothers, maybe, um, but it's It's like I

spk_1:   18:05
was told there were gonna be zombies. Minutes like this. Apocalypse sucks. Yeah, ensure that I totally butchered it. No, but I think there's a there's a ton of them. I know some of them are super funny, and it's so funny because some of them it's totally like a pocket humor. You know, it's it's like I also did Dennis and be like, That's not funny. Damn it. In my circle. Go on doing that we owe it

spk_0:   18:36
is funny. Being being an apocalyptic author right now is funny because because I feel like because of the Facebook groups that were in and then weird, like niche humor that's in there, that's probably like too soon. Not okay, you must taste of everyone else. Thinks it's hilarious. Yeah, so All right. So let's move on to the interview portion of the podcast. Um, so I feel like as we said,

spk_1:   19:11
Sure. I'm sorry. I just want to say I feel like we need to have, like, some really cool for the future when we have authors on your we need a fate. Like, have some button. What? Has really cool. Like interview music or something like that.

spk_0:   19:22
No idea. Um, okay, so obviously we're interviewing you about fading shadows, which is the latest installment in the Savage North chemicals. Would you like to just give us a little intro to the Siri's real quick before we dive into questions?

spk_1:   19:40
Yeah. So, um, as you mentioned, it is a different Siri's in the same ending world. Same virus, huh? Ah. Pandemics kills most of the world. Those who live are either crazy or they have superpowers. So this is essentially, um, same sort of Siri's. But what I will did with these characters is I really wanted to explore a different location and different a lot of like everything different, right? I wanted to talk about I wanted to explore all the things we didn't Explorer in the ending Siri's. So, um, I wanted to look at a different location. So it's set in, um, in Alaska and Canada really, really harsh winters and, you know, living off the land and that sort of thing. So and I also really wanted to tie in Theo idea of people who did not actually get the virus. So people were living and you know, the little, you know, off grid areas, and they were never came in contact with it. So what would life be like for them? And what kind of risk would they be at if they did not get infected and have thes ability used to protect themselves? And how would they learn? You know, that there was a virus and some people are crazy And there, you know, there's cannibals out there. Anyway, there's all these different things that I added to this series that we didn't actually have unending Siri's that I thought were a lot of fun to think about. And there's a lot of first Nation First Nations cultures, um, that I talked about and mythology, innit? Thio that I'm I'm talking a lot more about in this next book, but there's just a lot of different elements to it. But essentially the serious follows, um, a group of people who didn't know each other before. So there's Oh, and Jackson. Uh, there's Alex and Sophie who are in their teens. 18. Sorry, Ellen Jackson are older, Um, and then there's bone thehe who are siblings, and they are seven and nine. And so there are all these kind of misfit or orphans, and then they all kind of come together and they've become a family and have to survive all this. So, um, yeah, I mean, I could talk about each book, but essentially, it's their journeys, you know, from the beginning, too. It's going to be 11 years later. By the time Bo gets his book. So yeah, if that stands a lot of time, which is also something else I really wanted to do with this serious since the ending. Syria's takes place essentially within a year.

spk_0:   22:14
And as someone who co created the world, it's really fun to see how you've imagined things come like happening. Um, you know, a year, two years, three years down the road. Oh, cool. Yeah. So and then it gets got me thinking about what I'm gonna do with mice here. Yeah, that

spk_1:   22:32
was a really, you know, insistent way of telling you what the Siri's is. But anyway, people wasn't. May have already read it or know about it. So anyway, yeah, So it's a lot of fun, though, and it makes me want to go. It's real. It was really hard to them into these places, so it was just really cool toe. I wanted to just do a bunch of things I've never done before. Essentially, is what he did so totally makes one's perk of

spk_0:   22:56
being an author is like going to experience all these different things that you don't actually experience in real life. So, uh, all right. So I'm gonna do some of my questions and then some reader questions and then finish off with some more of my questions. Um, so probably all start with a feel like the obvious question for this series or this world, which is, If you were in the savage north particles, what would your ability be? Um, that's really

spk_1:   23:31
funny. I I've been probably until recently what I said, I didn't know, but, um, because it's really hard to choose one. But I really like. And the elemental abilities, especially the more I've been writing them. And I think Ella's ability, which is the bill, the ability to wield fire. Um, I think would be probably my choice. Um, I like that it's useful, but it's also like she's a badass. And I really want to be able to like, you know, I don't like double turned up here and just one if I wanted to get the fuck away from my family, you know what I mean? I want to, like, have that power and just feel strong and, you know, just like I can save the world if I wanted. But then it's also useful. So anyway, um, yeah, I think that's what it would be like. I said I definitely liked elemental powers like the light wielding the lightning and the electricity and energy and that sort of thing, too, so definitely would be in that realm for sugar.

spk_0:   24:32
Very fun. Uh, all right, so the Savage North chronicles has I'm sorry. I'm reading this out from my paper on the Sabbath. North Chronicles has books of varying lengths and switches being characters, couples, each book, you know, kind of the layout of the Siri's in terms of it's gonna be like a novel of novella novel in novella. Um, and did you know, like, who? The main characters we're gonna be for each book before he started writing. Or has that developed as you've been writing each book?

spk_1:   25:05
Um, interesting questions. So I'll start with the characters. I remind the other two parts per capita. Former s o as far as the characters. I chose my character's purposely for that very reason I want I knew that I wanted to explore ah, longer timeline with a Siri's. And so the only way I could really see that happening, Um, and seeing different people's perspectives of how they're coping with all of this over the years was toe have different age groups. So both Anthea I knew when I wrote them that I would be right because I wanted to write like, a said further into the future And with Alan Jackson, um, doing that for, you know, 10 15 20 years later. It didn't sound this fun for me. Like I wanted to build, explore different elements, toe, like growing up in a whole new society, You know what I mean? And I think with bone thehe I knew that would be possible because they're young when this happens, and then most of their, you know, childhood after that, I mean all the way until they're 18. You know, 20 years old, this has been our life. So I really wanted Thio be able to build on them. Um, as the books progressed. So I definitely chose the age groups purposely. Um, maybe I didn't really know exactly what I was gonna be doing with them in the very beginning, but it became really clear by up to what I wanted to dio as their characters. You know, um, got flushed out a bit more. Um, and then I think that, um, as faras wth e like the novellas I when I started writing Ross and Cat, uh, who dating shadows is their story. When I knew when I started writing them in Book One, which I know people don't know can't exist until midnight Sun. But I knew she existed. So when I started writing them and I knew cats relationship with Jenny, I knew that I wanted her and Ross to be together. So I I also knew that I wanted them to have their own story at some point. What I didn't know is if I wanted to be a fooling or not. Um, so I knew I wanted to do something. I just wasn't sure what, um and then backing up a little bit for the first Novello. The pre cool is the longest night, which is, um, Alex in Sofia's story. And that was originally part of Book one. But it was so long and there was so much going on because it was the very beginning of the virus that I decided to take out their story and just focus on Ellen Jackson. Um and then that's why I need it. It's Oh, no, Bella, watch it. Still, actually along a bell also. Um, but yeah, So that's why I did that wasn't really planned. either at the beginning. Like I said, that was part of the first book. So, um, but I was able to remove it nicely, and it didn't take anything away from the story, because again, it was I wanted to teach accidental story. So, um yeah, I mean, I guess it's like there's a little bit of method to the madness. Nothing was, like, perfectly laid out or anything like that, but definitely. Um, I did have I didn't know the direction I was going when I started, so hopefully that answers airbrushing.

spk_0:   28:14
Ah, that answered half of it. Could you also go into it knowing you would be alternating, um, lengths A

spk_1:   28:23
No, I did not know. Um, I didn't really I don't only think about length, and I was writing it. I just realized, though, that the more P O. V s that I had, the more perspectives, the longer my books were getting, which makes sense. Um mmm. But I've always written with multiple perspectives. And there was just so much with these books that it just felt necessary, and I actually wasn't sure if I wanted tohave. So for midnight Sun, I have else perspective. Um and I have Alex and Sophie, and I actually at first wasn't gonna put Ellen there, But it felt weird to not carry her and Jackson story and tip up to because they didn't. Even though, like their story got wrapped up mostly like it, it felt kind of warm and fuzzy. It wasn't actually over. And so I ended up adding her, um, again, it wasn't necessarily planned. Uh, but yeah, it just I guess these characters just I'm just doing whatever they want me to do. I don't know. So, yeah, I knew I knew the pupils would be changing. Definitely. I just did not know that the which ones I would have exactly in each book and how long each book would be. I don't think any any of them are gonna be as long as the night, son. I can't see that happening. For the love of God, I hope it doesn't. It was a beast, right? That was, like so hard for,

spk_0:   29:51
um, kind of a related question. Um, Quincy. Ah, what? What else do you have planned for the serious? How many books, novels or novellas? Or, um, you know, it's for anything that you can tell us if there's any secrets you want. That's fine, too.

spk_1:   30:14
So I don't have any secrets per se. I think that I would have wanted to dio when I started doing the novel and the novella novel Novella, which I've done so far. I really wanted to do one, um, after Bo's story, untamed when it comes out, and I might still do that. But right now I don't have anything specific that I want to write about. So even though that was kind of how I had mapped it out in my head, I don't know that that's not really gonna be the case. But I do have, um, I do have both story Anthea Story still to write from their perspectives, and I mean, I haven't haven't really only a couple people know this, but untamed actually, right now is if I say that right now, it's only one point of view, which I've never written before. Um, and I'm free. It's really hard for me, but it's also really intriguing for me, so that could change. But I kind of like playing with the idea of readers figuring out Rennes character with Bo because I know. So there's something intriguing to that for me, like I know all these crazy things going on and I want to write it for the reader and I want to show them. But I also like that they don't know yet and that they're gonna find everything out when he does. So I don't know. We'll see what the Beta reader say. I might end up adding some chapters, but I also feel like I've set myself up because everyone expects me to write multiple perspectives now because I've never not written one. Like everything I Britain has always had at least two, some a little worried about that. But again, we'll see what they just say. I have no problem having lunch doctors. I'm just I also like this idea of, Well, you know, I've reached out to him just like I don't even like this is so fun for me. I don't know what it's like. It's almost I don't say boring because it's not boring. But it's It's like I don't want characters that I can't write their Pluto feel flat because you don't get to get inside their head. You know, um, I guess That's just like an insecurity that I have. So I just need to work. That muscle will make sure I could do that. But again, that's when beta readers come in some super excited toe. Hear what they have to say. If they're like, not girl, you gotta write your other p o b don't like. Okay, no problem. So I really

spk_0:   32:27
like the as a reader. I really like, um, the single P. O. V. Because I feel like you can fully immerse yourself in that one person's like head. Um, so that's I find that really satisfying. Um, but I don't have an issue with multiple P p O v books. Obviously, I've written them as well. I guess

spk_1:   32:51
we'll just see. You know, I just we all have, like, our comfort zone, you know, and minuses. Like, I guess writing making life harder for you. Yeah. Anyway, uh, yeah. So I definitely This is an experimental book. So

spk_0:   33:12
nobody said me that nobody stopped me. I'm sure it'll be great, but, um, so then talking about characters who who would you say is your favorite character in the Savage North? Chronicles? Uh, I'm

spk_1:   33:28
loving these questions because When I did my giveaway last week, we were talking about all these things. So they're very fresh in my mind. Um, I my favorite character is Jackson.

spk_0:   33:39
Is it because you want to look him?

spk_1:   33:43
Did you read that? Think about someone, Um, not him per se, but, uh, yeah, so I, um, e think that his character's really treating to me. I really like his story. Arc, Um, I like, um, all his. I'm just being able to write his grief and his story and how tragic it is. But then he's like, he's also a big teddy bear, you know? And he's you really steps up. Any helps, you know, this all these people who would probably die about him. So I really like that He, uh, just really, really Joyce character and what it's turned into. And, um, and I think he's the most. He's really easy for me to write. Um, and he's also, um I don't know. You just have a soft spot for the guy. He's just like a big I don't know. It's like shrugging my shoulder. Somebody can see that, But you know what? The other person, I really it's hard too, Because I really, really, really like writing the interactions between, um Ross and Kat a lot. They were so much fun for me. And they have been from the very beginning on then. I love writing about Cynthia because, yeah, they're so adorable. And I just wanna, like, squeeze the heck out of him and Holly. I mean, I I love all my characters, but, um, I get I do get giddy when they're certain people that I get to write, you know? Yeah, yeah, yeah.

spk_0:   35:19
Okay. I'm gonna do our reader questions. No eso hol, Holly asks, um, what is the most gut wrenching scene you've written to date?

spk_1:   35:34
Um, so when I was writing the night, son, I was actually sitting in my backyard crying when I was writing the jenny stuff. Um, and so that was kind of awkward, because I'm like my neighbors and totally see me crying right now. I, um and I that was really hard for me. Not because I mean, Jenny's A was a fun character and all those kind of explorer, her background and stuff, But it was really just for for l who's had, like, you know, her and Jackson a really complex characters, I think. And they have just so many layers to them. And so for her to have her sister taken away and then deal with that and not feeling like she could save her and she, you know, and then find out she's alive, and then she's dying and lots of spoilers guys last. But, um yeah, I think that no one was really rough, and then I recently I am not going to say too much more. But there was another scene that I recently wrote that I was pretty teary eyed. So some of my readers came out of me for making him ugly cry. But I think it's gonna happen in the Oh,

spk_0:   36:44
I did cry twice in midnight Sun. Um, one is the one you were talking about in another one. You could probably guess knowing me. What? Which one in midnights on the two moments that I cried one is with Jennings and another one is with, uh oh, and then I want to say it when the

spk_1:   37:04
world Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I think I killed him off like I don't want todo like it was always part of the plane. You

spk_0:   37:14
know, there's always that little part of you that's like twirling your mustache. Like, oh is gonna make people cry. Um, Okay, So since you brought up that scene with Jenny, um, Anna asks, or she says, I have to admit that I cried like a baby with J J. How hard was that scene for you? And did you know that this was gonna be her story from the start? Yeah. So just to

spk_1:   37:44
clarify J j engineer in the same character s o, she had Jenny is what l calls her as her sister and gauges what she's gone by us for, um, most very good. Life s. So I think that I definitely knew what I was going to do with J. J. I knew she was alive. Um, and I knew what was going. I was gonna have happened to her. Like I said, he knew about cats character to from book One. Um, so that was actually really challenging when I was writing book one. Trying to figure out, like, how do I How do I make l leave? Um, from book one. Leave lightly in that building on, then. Not like actually see her body. So that was actually a challenge for you because I knew she couldn't see her body because she wasn't there, you know? So I always knew that she was still gonna be alive. I knew that she was gonna die. I knew that she was going to sacrifice herself in some way. So I just need to work out the king's, which was using her ability and stuff like that. So I definitely how did I feel about it? I mean, like I said, I feel like I knew it was going to do it, and it was coming. I think sitting down and actually doing it was a lot rougher than I expected. And because of El, because again, I know l has been through and I just felt really bad for her. And, of course, you play like yourself in that situation like it wasn't my sister. Oh, my God. It would be gut wrenching, you know? So I just like and you spent so much time with these characters, So I'm not. It's not like she's really dying. And I'm just I'm so sad. You know what I'm writing? This is just you know, it's just this all these emotions that you put into these characters and you know what all of them are thinking all the time, and you know how important it is and how it's affecting them. And then you just like I said, I just put myself in a position and it's like offices so rough, you know, just like Bo with his wolves and stuff. And I was just like, Yeah, I have never had a wolf. I could talk to you. But imagine having a wolf is like your best friend and you can talk to. And it's not just like me, even just a dog dying. It's hard, you know. And then you have, like, this wolf that you actually communicate with. I know it's hard, you know, I just gotta like trying to put yourself in the position, and sometimes it's a lot easier to do, and then it makes it really rough and embarrassing, and you are, well, ream us and you're famous for one, and you can't see the keyboard is writing. So I think that,

spk_0:   40:01
um, for me, the scene with Jenny, uh was really it was like especially gutting because you know, for anybody who's read the ending. Siri's as well knows that what she's dying of could be cured and knows what the cure is. And so that was especially like, Yeah, I know there's a way for you to live. But then there was also kind of it was almost like a decision that she made

spk_1:   40:24
Yeah. Castle. Yeah, for sure. And that's why I kind of wanted kept. That's why I wanted a cat's ability to be what it was. Because Cat is one wants to live so bad. And cat could be the one to save her and but genuine water, you know? So I just Really? Yeah. Anyway, it's really hard living out there.

spk_0:   40:50
Um, okay, let's see here. Uh, okay. So what was it like to develop a new Siri's in an existing world?

spk_1:   41:03
You know, you and I have talked about this a lot because our world is so complex and we have science behind our virus. I mean, we're not just like those authors who had just created a virus and nobody knows it. Like we have a whole back story for it. We have what it physically does to the body out change the genetics like what it can and can't do. So Thank God that we had that book Bible of all those tabs and all the characters and all the abilities and all the, you know, just how it all fits together because, you know, we wrote that so long ago that I mean, I know by the time we finished the series, it was only, you know what, four years ago or something. But it's it's so much information. And I have a horrible memory, so I can barely like something like, Oh, and so we did this. And I'm like, What? Oh, yeah, you know, like I can barely remember that it's up, let alone the intricate details of Book one you know, in the virus or the president's speech that it because there's a lot of Easter eggs throughout the series where I was able to go in and we have things in which, like the president, just one woman and I just without having all that, it would have been so much harder, I would have already. I mean, I did go back and read the Siri's, but today I can't read all of them Or if I just read the last couple books or a camera, or maybe the first and last. I don't know. I've been writing this serious now for a couple years, but, um, I did go back and read on, but I just remember thinking like, you know, me attacks. I was still referencing, landing, serious the book Bible, Um, a lot. So I just It's it would have been a lot harder without that. And I, um I definitely I definitely think that that was key. I think when you write your Siri's, we're gonna be so grateful for that thing's actually I'm doing it now for my Siri's to for, you know, subsonic rumbles. I have the same thing because, um, I'm leaving an open. So I could, you know, I have created this whole new town and all these new characters and all these things that I can do. So I want to be able to if I ever want to write. And again, I'm not gonna have all my links of all this research so much stuff. It's my memory. When I was I remember last week or two weeks ago, when I was so long ago, I was thinking about how you do all this research for mythology, and and I was like, I could never do that and I was like, Wait a second, I do it. It's just really it's probably just a lot harder for me. So I just I have all these pages of just links and all the information that's coming in peace because I need Thio, especially when it's getting edited. Or when a reader asked me about a question or when I'm like, Okay, well, did there to use this herb To do this, I need to be able to know what I've done, where I found it. Make sure it's like a legit site or a legit books source or whatever, and it's just there's a lot of moving parts. And so I I I learned a lot from writing, mending serious with you and figuring out you know, what I needed to do to make on my Siri's work, too, because I I think that was the only

spk_0:   43:57
way that I would have dove

spk_1:   43:58
into this. Siri's, to be honest, is having knowing that I have that. Yeah, so Yeah, but it was fun, though.

spk_0:   44:09
Oh, good. Um, what would you say? Your main influences or inspirations are with the Siris. Mmm. I know. It's a hard question.

spk_1:   44:20
Yeah, I'm trying to think, um I think one of the reasons why I wanted to write the Siri's like this is because I don't know, I I always think, you know, I think in my heart like I I'm I'm a cowgirl. I'm a black wannabe in the wilderness. I want Thio. I'm like you. I love mythology. Andi, I, uh, really like Native American culture and First Nations cultures. And I think that I just really wanted to write about something that I enjoyed and I wanted to learn more about. And I think that's why I mean, I could have I could have done something in California again, or it could have done something that, you know, I didn't have to research all these wildlands that I've never been to and how to live off the land. I don't wanna live off the land so I could read all the books. I warm. I don't retain any information, you know, like I wanted. I wanted to do a lot of research and I wanted to learn and, um, just kind of immersed myself in a whole new culture. And so I think I think that was kind of my inspiration is just doing something different that I haven't done. And but still doing in a world that I'm familiar with enough to where? You know, I knew I could play with abilities and that sort of thing, So I think that yeah, as far as inspiration, I just want to do something different than what we did. But then really focus on things that really were interesting to me. And that was, um, that was the area because, you know, Dennis and I for our We got married on Leap Day. Um, so we just celebrated our one year anniversary. Um, but are big plan, Actually, this is Before I started writing, the Siri's was for our anniversary. We were going to go thio Canada and Alaska. And you like this big trip and stuff on the things you wanted to do was that or go back to you, Zealand, where we got married. And so I really wanted to kind of do some research to figure out like, where did we want to go and I found all these really great places. And so now my list is far too long after doing writing the Siri's. But it was also a way for me to really just kind of get the lay of the land to and figure out what I wanted to do and explore it more. So we never end up going. We went toe New Orleans and studies with all this craziness going on, and you cost in whatever, but but yeah, So I think this inspiration is just want to learn. I wish I could say I could actually live off the land after all my research, but I still can't. So So, you know, like, uh, Dennis, as long as he's with me, we'll figure it out. But if I was alone, I don't know. I think I heard

spk_0:   47:00
you. I do have a lot of helpful books for

spk_1:   47:04
I have great books. D'oh way! Have them with us when we are getting nowhere in. It's like a situation

spk_0:   47:12
they know. Um, okay, so now I'm gonna get to my kind of my wrap up because I really did that one. Let's see here. Um, my final question. The is what's next for you after the series just within the Siri's o. R. After the spoke, If you're gonna take a

spk_1:   47:38
break like What's the next thing? I have a couple next things. Um, well, as you know, I write another Siri's cold front limbs, and it is also post apocalyptic. But it is more historical. History is my absolute passion. And so I I wanted to do kind of an alternative history Siri's. And and I did. I wrote the first book in the series, Dustin Shadow, and I was actually I have the second book written, and I was going to can continue working on it when I started this Siri's and that clearly very, very far to the left. And so now I have abandoned for not land for the last two years. But I want to work on that, and it's essentially, um, again, it's it's postapocalyptic, it's it's set into the it's, I guess it's kind of sense set now, but it's almost like if the world ended, um, from climate change and the during the Industrial Revolutions Industrial Revolution during the Victorian era. So it's really fun. It's a lot of it's a mixture of a lot of things, and I want to continue working on that. Um so it's like all these pockets of people that survive in different areas of the world on DSO I want to. And strangely enough, the second book in that series is also heavily, um, a heavy dose of Native American culture from the Midwest to So Anyway, I want to work on that. I'm itching to write that Siri's somewhere. I absolutely love it. And then I also have some mythology that I'm working on some retellings and one of those is written and there's gonna be three and those were gonna I don't know that coming out, I don't know. But those are all the things I have in the works. Those are all the things I'm working on. I'm really excited about all of them. Don't have time to do any of them except for one book at a time, guys. So that's kind of where I'm at, and I guess that's it. And then what we're doing with ending serious. We're finishing that up and with world After and yeah, I think that's enough projects for now. I want to write something that I want to write some ruins, too. But at the same time, I really want to. But I have someone just straight romance, just Yeah, it's just so it's like an escape. You know? It's like I don't have to worry about saving the world or like, or abilities or like, you know, uh, it's just it's I think it would be just like the fun escape project. So maybe I will, you know, But, um right now I have my my other serious that I want to work on. I want to finish this one up, obviously. And yeah, that's me. Hurry. Always have too much going on at once. And so

spk_0:   50:31
you have it. All right, So Ah, that brings us to the end of our interview. Is there? Do you have anything else you want to say to listeners about where to find you Or,

spk_1:   50:42
um, just I'm on Facebook a lot? Author Lindsay Pogue. You can't check out my website. Lindsay polk dot com has all links and information there. I have a writing group. If you are a writer and you would like to be a part of it, it's called the collective. It's A. It's a group. You can find it on my Web site, but it's also on Facebook. It's a Facebook group. Uh, and then I have my reader group, which is really fun and has a lot of just randomness in. It is called Lindsay's unnamed group of awesomeness or something like that. So just find me on any of those things and instagram off Jonesy Pope, and, uh, I'm kind of hard to miss and come out kind of working all over the place, So I

spk_0:   51:24
think All right, so no, nothing rhyme. Yeah, this is gonna be exciting for a lot of readers. I know I'm excited for it up because this is someone who were both were ball, uh, beta readers for She's an author friend of ours, and we're also just like fans of her work because she's amazing. Um, so ah, thanks for listening. You guys will be back in a couple of weeks to interview Sarah Lions. Fleming, about her new release, World departed the first book in her latest Dompok, Siri's the Cascadia Siris, which is I kind of like a spin off from her other two. Siri's, I guess. Um, So they all interconnect. They're all the same zombie apocalypse. But this book, you could start without having read any of her other books. And if you are a fan of ending Siri's or The Savage North chronicles, I can basically, like 100% guarantee you would love this woman. Some fresh for sure. Yeah. Um, And if you enjoyed the show, please leave us a review on iTunes or wherever you listen to podcasts. And if you really love the show, feel free to Ah, go to the Patriot Page, which is just search for no shell control on Petrie on and sign up to be a patron. So until next time Ah, happy reading. Happy

spk_1:   52:53
reading, guys. Be safe. Thanks for hanging out with us next time. Stay well. Yep.